Beanstalkd in Python

Nasri Adzlani
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


Beanstalkd is a work queue server that runs time-consuming tasks behind the scene. It receives messages/jobs from producers/senders and processes them with consumers/receivers.

Example Beanstalkd console in local

get data from beanstalk or other message queue called consume data, and engine or coding to consume is called consumer, its like a produce or send data to beanstalk.

im using beanstalkd as Ubuntu 20.04, vscode as text editor.

How to install beanstalkd in ubuntu:

insert this code to your terminal$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install beanstalkd

Command to start, stop, restart or check beanstalkd

$ sudo systemctl {start|status|restart|stop} beanstalkd
$ sudo service beanstalkd {start|status|restart|stop}

How To Install Web Interface for Beanstalkd

$ curl -s | php
$ composer create-project ptrofimov/beanstalk_console -s dev /var/www/html/beanstalk_console
$ cd /var/www/html/beanstalk_console

Check your Hostname in beanstalkd

$ hostname -Iresult ($ php -S -t public

Access on your browser using hostname and port like a

add server with localhost:11300 (beanstalkd local)

Congrats, yout Beanstalk has been installed!.

Lets Coding


Python 3

pystalk library

pystalk is a python library to access beanstalkd on local or server with simple code. first install this library with pip

pip install pystalk

and now i’ll make a producer with python.

#PRODUCERfrom pystalk import BeanstalkClientimport jsonclient = BeanstalkClient('', 11300)dicts = {'name':"nasri adzlani",'job':'data engineer','studied':'yogyakarta Techology of University'}with client.using("anjay") as inserter:    inserter.put_job(json.dumps(dicts))

im send data dicts to beanstalkd in job “anjay” u can change job name.

#CONSUMERfrom pystalk import BeanstalkClientimport jsonclient = BeanstalkClient('', 11300)"anjay")for job in client.reserve_iter():    print(job.job_data)

save and run this code, using terminal command command

python3 <filename>.py

example output

b'{"name": "nasri adzlani", "job": "data engineer", "studied": "yogyakarta Techology of University"}'

consumer data type is a bytes, couse it is default data type in beanstalkd. u can parsing this data to anything u want.

So simple code, i want u happy with this article.



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